A new plan and update

After going to Weight Watchers a month ago, I had an epiphany. I realized why I have been so stuck and unmotivated to keep loosing the weight. Ready for my profound thought? I am AFRAID to loose the weight. Wait what?! Yes, afraid. For my entire life I’ve been heavy, fat, over weight, pudgy, rotund, portly, what have you. But when dad died six and half years ago from an apparent heart attack, I lost the closest person in my life (other than Rob). Dad was my go to person when I had a problem, needed an ear, or just wanted to chat for no real reason. It was easy, fun, and loving; and lots of meaningful conversations were around the dinner table. So what does Dad have to do with loosing weight? In short, a lot. I am afraid to loose the weight because I am afraid to loose this “last” connection to him.  Now of course that’s not really true, but it feels that way. With this new “aha” moment occurring while I was in a meeting, I nearly was in tears. I finally figured out that it is OKAY to loose this weight. It’s OKAY to ask for help to get to the end goal.

Continue reading

Friday Weigh in

On Monday I went to my WW meeting and weighed in… 281.6! HOLY SMOKES! It’s the highest I’ve been since January. I suppose I have  the birthday and graduation parties, and Kevin & Nicole’s wedding, MYSELF to blame! This week I rode my bike to Crunch to do the elliptical, so I got 7 miles in total on that trip. I went to TKD (new school-see TKD diary) and got a good burn on, plus I tracked more. Today when I weighed in (5 days later) I am down 3.6. Thank God! I was/am in a mental funk about it all. I know I need to just make sure I get some exercise in more than what I’ve been doing.

Rob and I with the NEW Mr and Mrs. Epeneter! June 30, 2012

Rob and I at the wedding

Rob and I at Kevin & Nicole’s wedding June 30, ’12


But seeing those photos makes me realize where I am at compared to where I was. Even if the scale is telling me I am up, I still feel like I am winning.

On the 4th of July (a favorite holiday), I signed up for the Providence Bridge Pedal in Portland. And I decided I wasn’t as *crazy* as I thought I was. I ended up signing up for the 8 bridge/24 mile ride. So on August 12th at 7:30 in the morning I’ll begin the biggest ride I’ve ever done at one time. Can we say, TIME TO TRAIN? Yes, yes we can. 🙂

Regarding the new Dojo: Angel, the owner/instructor, offers Kickboxing as well as Zumba! So I’ll be doing at least 1 of those classes a week. I am really looking forward to trying Kickboxing on Sunday at 2. Rob is even in to try it. But he won’t do it for a while, because he says he’s not fit enough to do it…and that I am more fit than him. *drops jaw* I guess I just always think of him as my long distance runner. Hopefully he can get on the getting fit wagon and join me.

Wish me luck!

Why I am here


1 year’s progress.

I am here because a year and a half ago I decided to do something to change my life. I would quit being fat! My dad died from being way too overweight, so I decided I cannot follow in his footsteps. January 2011 I joined Weight Watchers and started my journey to loosing half my body weight. Starting weight: 331.2 lb  Half of that weight is 165.6 lb Current weight 275.0 lb I have 110.6 to go until I’ve lost 1/2 my weight. Above is  comparison shot of before and 1 year in. I haven’t lost much in the last 6 months, and I think it’s diet fatigue. But we are going to Disney World in December and I want to be at 75 lb lost. So I am getting back on the diet bandwagon. It’s time.

2 years ago!

Two years ago today Chandler had his Tethered Cord surgery at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland. I reflected on his surgery last year, and figured I’d do it again, but this time focusing on his actual growth. You can read last year’s here: 1 year later reflections, pt 1 1 year later reflections, pt 2

Since I wrote those two posts, he’s blossomed into a kid that is willing to push himself and test his body. He’s finishing first grade, is reading with very little help, and getting ready to test for his 2nd degree blue belt in Taekwondo next week. He’s a boy who has overcome adversity and did it with a great attitude and smile. I am so proud of this kid!!! You can see below the development of his gross motor skills. From where he could kick 10-12 inches off the ground to where he is now kicking at 4 FEET off the ground/head level!

Chandler’s first belt testing at Taekwondo, July 2010.
His first belt test out of Tiny Tigers. August 2011
Chandler doing his Poomsae at belt testing, April 2012. 
Chandler doing his Ax kick drill at his head level!
This is where he is now, from that first picture above!

After that last photo, Chandler and I both passed and started the Blue Belt class, AKA intermediate level! To see where he’s been to where he is at, I am so thankful for all that this sport has given him: confidence, strength (both mental and physical), self-esteem, passion, commitment to something, a passion for becoming something, and a love of a sport that is all him! I love that he asks me if we are doing things right or if he needs to work on something.

Blue belts, April 2012

This morning he asked me if he was doing his jump roundhouse correctly, because that is the kick he’s breaking his board with next week! I can hardly wrap my head around that he can have the coordination to do it! 2 years ago, he could barely walk up stairs without grasping the rail and really working at it. I love that this is something we do together, but not as a team, but individuals. I love that he knows how to succeed in something that will make him a better boy/man. When he finally earns that black belt, I know when it is tied on him and I will have a tear in my eye, knowing where this brave, kind, gentle soul started out when he was 5 years old.

For all those who supported Chandler (and our family) thank you for your love and support! And to Master Jim Null, you have been the best trainer/coach for him without a doubt! Thank you!!!  Without you he wouldn’t be where he is today!


Reflections, 1 year later, part 1

Today, I begin this post to reflect on the last year. June 7th, 2010 was the date Chandler had surgery for his Tethered Spinal Cord.

What Is a Tethered Spinal Cord?

A tethered spinal cord is a disorder in which a child’s spinal cord is pulled down and stuck, or fixed, to the spinal canal. The spinal cord normally floats free inside the spinal canal.
As a child grows, the spinal cord must be able to move freely inside the spinal canal. If the spinal cord is stuck, it will stretch like a rubber band as a child grows. This can permanently damage the spinal nerves. Seattle Children’s Hospital

 For Chandler, he had symptoms from the time he was 3-4 months old, he didn’t crawl until 12 1/2 months, or walk until he was 18 1/2 months. Once he was walking, he ran with an odd gait, nothing that would signal “get him to the dr,” he couldn’t walk up the stairs or down-he’d crawl. His balance was off. But again, his Dr. wasn’t worried and took the “wait and see” approach. Fine with me. I wasn’t worried.

When we started looking into additional speech therapy for his Childhood Apraxia of Speech, we decided to have him evaluated by a developmental pediatrician. Since our insurance wouldn’t cover speech unless it was due to an accident or birth defect (think Cleft Palate). So we were going to try and have it diagnosed as a Neurological Disorder, which it is!

After meeting with the Dev. Ped. she suggested having a Physical Therapy Evaluation, since he was behind in gross motor skills for an approximate 5 year old. Ok, great. We had the PT eval done at Legacy Emanuel Children’s Hospital, and we got a great PT (a friend of Grandma Brown’s). She found that Chandler was at least 2-3 years BEHIND where he should be. She also saw that he was very weak in his lower body, but great in his upper body. She suggested seeing Dr. Mark Shih, a Neurologist (who also is a friend of Grandma Brown). We saw Dr. Shih, and he noticed Chandler’s reflexes were hyper, meaning they bounced way too much. He was leaning when he bent over at the waist (one side lower than the other). With the PT eval, his constipation history, developmental delays, he ordered an MRI.

Chandler’s brain. Pretty cool!

The arrow points to the thickened part of the tether.

We did the MRI, where Chandler was sedated. He was a trooper! And very brave! After reading the MRI, Dr. Shih, confirmed what we suspected. Chandler was born with Spina Bifida Occulta. He had a birth defect. But this was nothing compared to what my friends’ son, Christopher, was born with. Or another friend, Gina, who’s son has to be in a wheelchair most of the time. Chandler can walk, run, and jump (not very well). He referred us to a woman who would eventually do surgery on Chandler’s spine.

Dr. Monica Wheby, a pediatric Neurosurgeon at Emanuel Children’s Hospital, met with us after Grandma Brown called in a huge favor to have him seen a month later (normal waiting time was 5-6 months). When we met with Dr. Wheby, she did another physical exam, checking the same things that Dr. Shih did. She concurred with his diagnosis, and checked Chandler’s MRI and showed us what was causing the problem. Of course, we’d know more when she was in there, fixing the problem. But she scheduled surgery 10 days later, after Rob’s last final for the term.


I feel like I should start off by first saying I am very blessed! And remember this is Random Thoughts from a Random Mommy… This is one of the random posts. 🙂
It’s been one of those weeks where life is changing, and as my Dad used to say: “Everyone hates change!” He was right (and about most things)!

This week, Rob began his new job at Intel. He’s going to be working in the D1D Fab at Ronler Acres. It’s been an adjustment with him just punching a clock versus going and getting his work done and coming home. But I knew it’d be an adjustment, but I didn’t think I’d have as many emotions going along with it all… I think I need to just process the whole thing. And as I type this up, there is a knock (thank you delivery guy!) at the door where I got flowers for Mother’s day!

His original shift will be working Wednesday-Friday and every other Saturday from 7:30 PM-8 AM. But I just got word that it won’t be that shift for at least 3 months! Gah! I had mentally prepared myself for the nights… I had already figured out babysitting for that schedule on Saturdays where I would be busy with Mom & Michelle having our monthly pedicures. But now I have to figure it out again. Oy Vey! I think my mother in law will be getting a couple phone calls in addition to our Pastor’s daughter.

And Rob is still going to school on top of all of it. Monday and Tuesday nights he’s at OIT. We still have two more years until he graduates (Class of 2013). And I say we because I feel like I am going to school too! 🙂 Well I might not be going to school, but I am learning small tidbits of engineering stuff.

Once he’s done with his Bachelor’s degree he’s planning on either going off to UO (gasp) for a Masters in Applied Physics or maybe Arizona State for a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, which of course would mean relocation. 

Thankfully this is all hinging on his time at Intel and if he can get accepted into one of these programs. I was a bit nervous about the idea of moving to the Southwest… Come on, anyone who knows me, knows I am a true Oregonian! I hate the heat. I know it’s hilarious. Go ahead chuckle. All I know is, IF we were to move, I’d hope to be back in Tigard before Chandler starts High School at Southridge. So we have 9 years to do this… Holy cow, my kid will be in high school in 9 years?! Woah

I guess I needed to process all of this, write down the scary things: Change to our schedule, Change in daily routine, possibility of moving in a couple years, meeting new people when/if we do, how the kids will adjust to moving, and how Rob will do when he does go to graduate school. I know he’ll do great! He sure has surprised me, not that he wasn’t capable, but he’s so determined! It makes me so proud, and it’s worth all the emotional roller coasters in the next couple years… 

I told you this was a random post. 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

Who is the Random Mommy?

I am Melissa. I am in my early 30’s and live in the Pacific Northwest with my dear husband, Rob, and two cute boys, Chandler (6) and Lincoln (2.5).

I love to knit, crochet, sew, take photos, watch sports (hate soccer), read books (Twilight, Harry Potter and Millennium Series are the recent favorites), politics (hard core Republican/a “crazy” Tea Party Member).

I love to sing, and I do semi-professionally in Portland’s Singing Christmas Tree. I’ve done it 9 years and in 2011, it will be my 10th season! I love it and the fellowship it brings. I’ve met some amazing people in the TREE choir. They have helped me through many trials in my life (especially when my Dad passed away in 2006). I also love to teach Sunday School for Chandler’s age at our Church (Lutheran), and am active there.

Rob is in his 3rd year of school for Electronic Engineering Technology/Electrical Engineering. He goes to school at night and also works full time for my family’s natural food brokerage. I work as a Webmaster and work with Retail level promotions. It’s fun and works well with the mommy schedule.

Chandler had surgery on June 7, 2010 for a Tethered Spinal Cord at Legacy Emanuel Children’s Hospital. His surgeon, Dr. Monica Wheby, was able to cut the tether and he was able to go home the next day. As a form of physical therapy he is in Taekwondo at Family Kicks Martial Arts. When he began in July, about 1 month post-op, he had awful balance, his gait was akward, he couldn’t bunny hop. Now 6+months later, his range of motion in his legs has improved dramatically, he can bunny hop and jump, he can balance on 1 leg for 5+seconds, and his run is faster and less spastic looking. Master Null has really been a true blessing for Chandler and our family!

Lincoln is very different from Chandler (don’t they always say that?), and is very active. He climbs up things, is much more rougher, has a thick skull (yes, we do know this), and is a lover! He’s a late talker, just like big brother, and is in speech therapy as well. He’s not nearly as severe as Chandler (who has Apraxia of Speech), but we started ST early with Linc, just in case.

For Me, this blog began as random musings, and such of the family, but it will take a new meaning as a way for me to loose the 150 lb that I need to loose. Doing Weight Watchers and exercising are the ways I am tackling the goal. Starting weight: 331.2 on January 3, 2011. First goal is to loose 60 by Lincoln’s 3rd birthday at the end of June. It’s aggressive, but it needs to happen.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, please follow my journey, it will help keep me accountable! 🙂

A summer catch up…

Life has been pretty busy. With Rob finishing school for the summer (yay) and enjoying the summer time, it’s been fun and busy.

We’ve made a couple trips to the lake, which has been nice. The one trip we took, it was 100 degrees with ZERO wind. It sucked! The boys were hot, Lincoln was too hot he was getting sick. The only way for him to sleep was driving around to cool him down then sleep with Rob. Poor bug. Chandler slept on the floor of the living room, doing it old skool like his mom and TT! 🙂 Lot of fun. Then he had one of his BFF’s come up with his family to play. It was great. And even Kevin and Mary came too. It was a great weekend at the cabin and I know Dad would be proud to see such fun being had by all.

Lincoln is a movin’ fool. Not walking but moving in every other which way! It’s so cute. We just found out that he loves Blue’s Clues! He’s sitting in his high chair and dances when they sing! It’s a riot. Chandler’s been on this BC band wagon for a week or so and it’s so cute!

Chandler also is now addicted to Dad’s Xbox. He’s got the Batman Lego game and is in love with the game. It’s all he asks about day and night! It’s cute, but annoying! He has to clean up his toys and do his 30 minutes of homework, which is working on ABC’s and 123’s. He loves it and asks to do his home work. I am so thrilled he loves it so much.

Which brings us to Preschool! He’s starting St. Andrew Lutheran Preschool in a few weeks. It will be nice to get back into that routine. He’s so excited to see Bryan at school, he’s been asking to see him for a while. Even when we’d go to story time at church, he’d wonder if he’d be there. Too cute!

I am actually working on super hero capes for the boys to play with at school. They have plenty of dress up stuff for girls, just not enough boys, so a bit of Batman, Superman, Flash & Green Lantern will man it up a bit! 🙂

I’ll post some pics of that soon. In the mean time, here are a couple from our professional shots in August (that we won at a school auction).